Working Together, Apart

This was a mock scenario for Cooper Parry.

The Brief:

Create a complimentary resource to support employees with working remotely while still retaining a sense of team.

The Process:

This resource was to go alongside a virtual training session so I wanted to highlight key areas for participants to be able to refer back to:

  1. Keeping cameras on during meetings

  2. Effective communication

  3. Thinking “what would I do if I were in the office”

It was important that it was easy on the eye, contained practical information/tips and was not overwhelming.

The Results:

I created a page on my website using Squarespace split into the above three sections which you can view here.

While this is branded for Cooper Parry, I think it is useful for anyone and everyone.

The Client:
Cooper Parry



  • Squarespace

  • Adobe Illustrator